
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
84. Slayer Tour Review, Archspire/Inferi Interviews, & New music
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
We talked about new albums from Fetid, Idle Hands, Batushka (Krystov Drabkowski's version), & Krypts. Than we talked about how the 3 of us reunited for the (maybe?) final Slayer farewell tour with Cannibal, Lamb Of God, and Amon Amarth as well as Shadie’s review of the Tech Trek tour with Archspire, Inferi, Virgin, and Wormhole. Plus we’ve got interviews with Archspire (at the 45 min mark) & Inferi (at 1 hour at 20 min mark)!
Listen at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Music Played on this Episode:
Breakdown: Terminal Nation “Church Of the Gun”
1. Fetid "Cranial Liquescent"
2. Krystov Drabkowski's Batushka "Nechb 4"
- Bandcamp Download link: https://sphieratz.bandcamp.com/album/-
3. Idle Hands "Blade and the Will"
4. Krypts "Circling the Between"
5. Archspire "Remote Tumor Seeker" & "Relentless Mutation"
6. Inferi "The Promethean Kings"

Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
We talked about new music from Employed to Serve, Wormwitch, Altarage, Warforged, Full of Hell, Nocturnus AD, Inferi, Spirit Adrift, and Amon amarth and did a throwback discussion on Arch Enemy's first album "Black Earth". We also interviwed Anthony Natarmaso of After the Burial about there recent tour with Killswitch Engage/Parkway Drive, the new album "Evergreen", how it compared to recording the last one, his last conversation with Justin, playing live as a 4 piece, becoming comfortable as a front man, and more.
Time Stamps:
Intro & new music recommendations
50 min: Arch Enemy "Black Earth" Review
1hr 15 min: Interview
Listen here, at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this Episode:
- Employed to Serve "Beneath it All"
- Wormwitch "Two Wolves"
- Altarage "Knowledge"
- Warforged "Nightfall Came"
- Full of Hell "Ygrumal the Many"
- Nocturnus AD "Aeon of the Ancient Ones"
- Inferi "Gatherings in the Chamber of Madness"
- Spirit Adrift "Tortured by Time"
- Amon Amarth "Fafners Gold"
- Arch Enemy "Bury Me an Angel", "Idolatress". "Eureka"
- After the Burial "Behold the Crown"

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
82.Misery Index Interview, Metal Trivia, & New Music
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Its time again for America's favorite game show - Into the Combine Trivia with returning listener Old Man Dave! Plus we have an interview with Mark Kloeppel of Misery Index and plenty of new music recommendations.
Time Stamps:
Intro & new music recommendations
34 min: Trivia
1hr 15 min: Interview
Listen here, at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this episode:
Cast Down "Pantomine Mine"
Children of Bodom "This Road"
Equipose "My Suite of Flesh"
Before the Dawn “Phoenix Rising”
Creeping Death "Revenge"
Brymir "Hails from the Edge"
Imprecation "Baptized in the Blood of Satan"
"Old Man Dave" Stan the Man Solo Artist

Monday Mar 11, 2019
81. Venom Prison Interview, Lords of Chaos, & Band Gimmicks Discussion
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
We started off with new albums we've been listening to including Venom Prison, Diabolical, Valtari, Rotting Christ, & Saor and than jumped into a discussion on our opinions of band gimmicks, live theatrics, etc, and reviewed the recent movie about Mayhem and the Norwegian black metal scene "Lords of Chaos". Stay tuned at the end of the episode for an interview with Ash Gray of Venom Prison! We talked about the difference of writing an album when they were relatively unknown compared to after blowing up in the scene, pushing the aggressiveness and technicality of the new album, the new styles incorporated into the album, Larissa's amazing vocal progression, their touring experiences over the last few years, and a lot more.
Intro - New Music Recommendations
28 mins: Band gimmick/theatrics discussion
43 mins: Lords of Chaos Review
1 hr 10 mins: Venom Prison Interview
Listen here, at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this Episode
Venom Prison "Uterine Industrialization"
Diabolical "Inception"
Valtari "Forever"
Rotting Christ "Heaven & Hell & Fire"
Saor "Forgotten Paths"
Mayhem "Freezing Moon"

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
80. Steve Tucker of Morbid Angel & Entombed "Clandestine" Discussion
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
We talked about new music we've been listening to, whether or not lyrics matter in metal and to what extent quality of vocals are important and discussed Entombed's classic album "Clandestine". Plus we have an interview with Steve Tucker of the mighty Morbid Angel! We talked about Steve's passion for death metal, his path to extreme metal, the first time he heard Morbid, how it was to join the band, experience working on Formulas Fatal to the Flesh and Gateways to Annihilation, his vocal development, and some talk about metal in general. Interview starts at 1 hour and 10 min mark.
Listen here, at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on This Episode:
Judiciary "Social Crusade"
Ossuarium "Corrosive Hallucinations"
Festerday "Kill Your Truth"
Soilwork "Wolves are Back in Town"
Misery Index "The Choir Invisible"
Entombed "Sinners Bleed, Severe Burns, Stranger Aeons
Morbid Angel "D.E.A.D.

Thursday Jan 03, 2019
79.Best of 2018 Part 2 & Tomb Mold Interview
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
The suspense is over! Here is the rest of our top 15 albums of 2018, all our honorable mentions and an interview with Derrick Vella of Tomb Mold! Interview starts at 1hr 33 mins if you get sick of us. Our full lists will be posted on our Facebook/website in a week or so but no spoilers yet!
If you liked the breakdown of the week go pick up the album at the link below and support a fellow listener!
Listen here, at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:

Saturday Dec 29, 2018
78. Best of 2018 Part 1 & Terror Interview
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Strap in boys and girls we finally present to you part 1 of our 15 favorite albums of 2018! Written lists will be posted along with Part 2 on www.Intothecombine.com to keep you in suspense. Oh and there's also an interview with Scott Vogal of Terror! Terror has been a favorite of each of ours for a long time so we were stoked to finally get a chance to talk to the hardcore legend himself. Enjoy and stay tuned for part 2 later this week!
Listen at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
77. Finnish Death Metal
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
For episode 77 we celebrated the disgusting work of our Finnish metal brethren!! We were joined by Sam - Finnish Death Metal enthusiast and one of the hosts of "From the Pit" podcast, to talk about some of the best death metal bands Finland has to offer. If you have never dove into Finnish death metal you're in for a dark, twisted, and heavy surprise. There's also some new music recommendations to fill your insatiable needs.
Check out Sam's podcast "From the Pit" at the link below:
From the Pit
Listen at the below links or on your favorite podcast app:
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this Episode:
Cult Leader "Craft of Mourning"
Kever "Back from the Netherworld"
Haken "Puzzle Box"
Slugathor "Slow and Painful Death"
Hooded Menace" "Charnel Reflections"
Demilich "When the Sun Drank the Weight of Water"
Convulse "False Religion"
Rippikoulu "Musta Seremonia"
Adramelech "Heroes in Godly Blaze"
Amorphis "Exile of the Sons of Uisliu"
Mors Principium Est "Reclaim the Sun"
Insomnium "While We Sleep"

Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
76. Gorod Interview, New Music Recommendations, & Live Reviews
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
So we talked too long on the "Black Metal for Beginner's" episode so we broke it into two episodes. Here's the other half! We talked to Julien Nutz Deyres - the vocalist of Gorod about the French extreme metal scene including what it was like in the early days, how it has evolved, what its signature sound is, and how it is today. We also talked about their new album "Aethra". He was a super nice guy with a lot of great view points (sorry for the background noise - Julien was in a loud cafe!). As for the rest of the episode we talked about the new music we've been jamming as well as live show reviews for Damnation Fest, Inferi, At the Gates/Behemoth, and Rivers of Nihil/Exhumed/Revocation. Stan is still away raising his child in the deep woods of Norway in order to all allow the metal to seep deep into her veins so Phil of Phils Breakfast Metal was with us as our guest host. Stay tuned for the return of Stan the Man on the next Episode... coming soon!!
Listen here, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app and find the rest of our episodes and social media links here: www.intothecombine.com
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/intothecombine
Links for Phil's podcast and band
Phils Breakfast Metal Podcast: Soundcloud or iTunes
Void Titan: Bandcamp
Music Played on This Episode:
Arsis "Fathoms"
Panopticon "Blatimen"
Scorched "Disfiguring Operations"
Skalmold "Sveroio"
Saor "Tears of a Nation"
At the Gates "Suicide Nation"
Gorod "The Sentry"

Monday Nov 12, 2018
75. Black Metal for Beginners & Revocation Interview
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Stan is away being a new dad so on this episode we were joined by two special guests to help fill in. We have listener Phil Wadey from the podcast "Phil's Breakfast Metal" and the band "Void Titan" as well as listener Young James who has a Youtube series going right now documenting his journey into death metal. Find all those links below. The challenge for this episode was to pick 15 albums to convince someone who isn't into black metal that they should. James was our test subject as he is not a fan of black metal at all. So hit play and see how well we did! Stay tuned for a live interview with Dave Davidson of Revocation at the end! Interview starts at the 1 hour 25 min mark if you get sick of us.
Listen here, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app and find the rest of our episodes and social media links here: www.intothecombine.com
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/intothecombine
Links for our Guests:
Phils Breakfast Metal Podcast: Soundcloud or iTunes
Void Titan: Bandcamp
James Does Death Metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyh-V--u4WY
Music Played on This Episode:Unearth "Incinerate"
Batushka "Yekteniya III: Premudrost'
Gorgoroth "The Rite of Infernal Invocation"
Uada "Natus Eclipsim"
Death Spell Omega "Abscission"
Enslaved "Ethica Odini"
Nachtmystium "Assassins"
Wolves in the Throne Room "Vastness and Sorrow"
Dissection "Where Dead Angels Lie"
Ulver "Hymne 1"
Abigail Williams "The World Beyond"
Dark Funeral "The Secrets of the Black Arts"
Wiegdood "Svanesang"
Satyricon "Mother North"
Watain "Malfeitor"
Horn "Bocksfub"

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Alight guys its that time of year...if your anything like me you've already started your Horror marathons, haunted house visits, and are drinking tons of Otoberfest and Pumpkin beer. To celebrate the most metal month of all we have a special horror and metal themed episode with interviews with 5 different metal musicians who are also passionate about horror. First up is Mike Hill of Tombs as well as the host of Everything Went Black Podcast & Necromania's Podcast. Second is Slasher Dave, the frontman of Acid Witch as well as his solo synth based/horror soundtrack/instrumental project Slasher Dave. Third we have Matt Harvey of Exhumed, Gruesome, Expulsion, Pounder, and more. Fourth up is Sven de Caluwe of Aborted and last but not least, we have Jeremy Wagner, the guitarist and lyricist for death metal band Broken Hope. Jeremy is also a horror author with a new book out now called "Rabid Heart".
Listen here, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Find the rest of our episodes and social media links here: www.intothecombine.com
Find both of Mike Hills podcasts here: www.intothecombine.com
Find the new Slasher Dave album here: https://listen.20buckspin.com/album/frights
Find Jeremy Wagner's new book here: https://www.jeremy-wagner.com/
Find the new Gruesome album here: https://gruesomedeathmetal.bandcamp.com/
Find the new Aborted album here: http://www.centurymedia.com/artist.aspx?IdArtist=149
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this Episode:
Slasher Dave - "Fulzzi"
Tombs "Old Wounds"
Acid Witch "I Hate Halloween"
Exhumed "Defenders of the Grave"
Aborted "Vespertine Decay"
Broken Hope "Mutilated and Assimilated"

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
73.Pig Destroyer Interview & Dissection Throwback Discussion
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Topics On This Episode
What we've been listening to including new music from Outer Heaven, Embalmer, Omnium Gatherum, Revocation, and Horrendous.
Show reviews for Dying Fetus, Incantation, Gatecreeper, & Genocide Pact tour as well as the Pallbearer/Tribulation tour
Review of the new Pig Destroyer album "Head Cage"
Throwback discussion of Dissection's Storm of the Lights Bane
Interview with Blake Harrison of Pig Destroyer
Listen here, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast app
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon:
Music Played on this episode:
- Pig Destroyer "Phantom Limb"
- Outer Heaven "Putrid Dwelling"
- Embalmer "The Casket Calls"
- Omnium Gatherum "Gods Go First"
- Revocation "Of Unworldly Origin"
- Pig Destroyer "Head Cage","Circle River", and Terminal Itch"
- Dissection "Where Dead Angels Lie", "Maha Kali", Thorns of Crimson Death”

Friday Sep 21, 2018
72. Horrendous Interview
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
We talked with the guys from Horrendous about their new album "Idol", including what went into making it, progressing as a band, having a new bass player, as well as the state of the current Death Metal scene. Stay tuned for a normal full length podcast episode with the rest of the guys next week.
** Sorry guys there were some technical problems at around 17:38 when we were talking about adding the clean vocals in on this album so there is a slight skip ahead to the guys talking about the writing process there. Hopefully its not too confusing!
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/intothecombine
Listen here, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or on your favorite podcast app
Music Played on this episode:
Horrendous "Soothsayer" & "Devotion(Blood for Ink"
Morbus Chron "Chains"
Website with links to all episodes and social media:

Friday Aug 24, 2018
71. Deicide Interview & Gateway Death Metal Albums
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
We talked about our new music recommendations, what our gateway death metal albums where, and what albums we would give to someone who wants to explore the great genre of Death Metal. We also have an interview with the legendary Demon himself, Mr. Glenn Benton of Deicide which starts around the 1hr and 25 min mark. We talked about the new album, writing old songs, Jack Owen leaving the band, the Hoffman brothers plan to play old Deicide songs live, politics in metal, and more.
Find more bonus content over at our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/intothecombine
Listen here, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or on your favorite podcast app
Website with all social media and email links: Intothecombine.com
New Music Discussed:
Terror "Mental Demolition"
Burial Invocation "Abiogenesis"
Chthe'ilist "Beneath the Crypts"
Amorphis "The Bee"
The Lions Daughter "Die into Us"
Mortuous "The Dead Yet Dream"

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
70.Cancer Bats Interview, Immortal, Skeletonwitch, & New Hardcore Talk
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
This episode is all over the place as we start with the more extreme side of things with new music recommendations from Immortal, Skeletonwitch, Torture Rack, Sentient Horror, Varathron, & Frost Koffin and than move into some newer hardcore recommendations from Patreon member and long time listener James Branstetter. The albums he brought in included new stuff from Jesus Piece, Turnstile, Code Orange, Harms Way, & I Am. We ended the episode with an interview with Liam Cormier of Cancer Bats were we talked about the surprise release of their latest album, writing feel good dirt biking songs, making better albums without having to progress out of their genre, and a lot more.
Check it out at the links below & find more bonus content over at our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/intothecombine
Listen here, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or on your favorite podcast app
Website with all links: Intothecombine.com
Time Stamps
00:00 Intro & All the New Stuff we've been listening to
00:40 New Hardcore Recommendations from Listener James Branstetter
01:20 Interview with Liam Cormier of Cancer Bats
Music Clips Featured on this Episode:
Frost Koffin "Brain
Torture Rack "Festering Castration"
Cancer Bats "Headwound"
Skeletonwitch "Devouring Radiant Light"
Immortal "Into Battle Ride"
Varathron "Tenebrous"
Sentient Horror "The Crypts Below"
Turnstile “Right to Be”
Jesus Piece “Curse of the Serpent”
Code Orange - “The hunt”
I Am “Face of Death”
Harm’s Way “sink “
Cancer Bats "Lucifer's Rocking Chair" & "We Run Free"

Saturday Jun 30, 2018
69. Khemmis Interview & Doom/Sludge special
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
This episode features an interview with Phil the vocalist and guitarist of Khemmis. We also talked about the new music we've been jamming including Vein, Zeal & Ardor, Tomb Mold, & Skinless. Then we brought on doom and sludge enthusiast and long time listener August Furhman on to talk about the new Khemmis album along with some sludge and doom recommendations.
Listen here, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Check is out on a Patreon for bonus episodes below:
Music Played on this Episode:
Vein "Demise Automation"
Zeal and Ardor "Dont you Dare"
Tomb Mold "Bloodmirror"
Uada "Snakes and Vultures"
Skinless "Savagery"
Dopethrone "Vinum Sabathi"
Khemmis "Isolation, Maw of Time,
High on Fire "Slave the Hive"
Sleep "Giza Butler"
All Father - Death and Hell Followed With Him
Windhand "Two Urns"
Usnea "Eidolons and the Increate

Monday May 28, 2018
68. Top 5 Debut Albums & At the Gates Interview
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
We talked about new music, discussed the new At the Gates Album, listed each of our top 5 debut metal albums, and finished off with an interview with Adrian Erlandsson of At the Gates. Adrian talked a lot about the new album, the process of losing their long time guitarist Jonas and writing the new album without him, expectations, album reviews, and a lot more.
Listen here, on iTunes, or your favorite podcast app
Become a Patreon member at the link below to get bonus episodes and other perks:
Music Played on This Episode:
Eternal Sleep "Parlor Tricks"
Skeleton Witch "fen of Shadows"
Dequisitor "Downfall of the Apostates"
Requiem "And the Earth Grew Dark"
Judicator "Spiritual Treason"
At the Gates "To Drink from the Night Itself"
At the Gates "Colors of the Beast"
See below for the songs played during the debut metal albums section after you listen!
Mastodon "Crusher Destroyer"
Comeback kid "Turn it Around"
Incantation "Blasphemous Cremation"
Dissection "The Somberlain"
Morbid Angel "Immortal Rites"
Six Feet Under "Remains of You"
Dillinger Escape Plan "Calculating Infinity"
Born of Osiris "Abstract Art"

Monday Apr 30, 2018
67.Carcass "Heartwork" Discussion & Slugdge Interview
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Stan the Man is back with us and we really brought a lot to the table for our "What we've been listening to" section including Homewrecker, The Crown, Alghazath, Judas Priest, Mammoth Grinder, Bleed From Within, Conjurer, Inferi, & Discussed Carcass's legendary "Heartwork" album. Stay tuned at the end of the episode for an interview with Matt Slugg Moss of the band Slugdge where we talked about their new album "Esoteric Malencology", the themes and lyrics of the band, the effects of mental illness, and a lot more. Patreon listeners got to hear this episode last week!
Become a Patreon member at the link below:
00:00 - Intro & New Music Recomemndations
00:45 - Carcass Heartwork
01:07 - Interview
Music Played on this episode:
Homewrecker "Fade to Oblivion"
The Crown "In the Name of Death"
Alghazanth - "Facing the North" fom Eight Coffin Nails
Judas Priest - Necromancer
Mammoth Grinder "Human is Obsolete"
Bleed From Within "Alive"
Conjurer "Of FLesh Weaker than Ash"
Inferi "Smoulder in the Ash"
Carcass "Heartwork" & "Carnal Forge"

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Hey guys episode 66 is kind of a sneak peak into our Patreon bonus content. We paired half of our first bonus episode with a huge interview with James Murphy, previously of Death, Obituary, & Testament. He talked about his Disincarnate project, becoming a member of Death for the "Spiritual Healing" period, writing on Obituary's "Cause of Death", joining Testament, and a whole lot more. If you want to hear the remaining 45 mins of the original Patreon bonus episode with our normal talk of what we’ve been listening to, head over to our Patreon site at the link below. Stan was unable to join us for this episode due to his ongoing black metal mold problem so we had two special guest listeners that joined us and really brought their A game. We talked about our favorite concerts and an overlooked death metal classic Disincarnate “Dreams of the Carrion Kind” which was James Murphy’s project after his time with Obituary.
*Sone corrections to the episode: James actually played on 3 Testament albums (we forgot the live album) and was a big contributor to the writing during Death’s Spiritual Healing as you will hear in interview.
Listen here, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Tune in, or your favorite podcast app:
Become a Patreon member at the link below:
Music Played on this episode:
Wolf King "Greater Power"
Disincarnate "Stench of Paradise Burning", "Beyond the Flesh",
& "Monarch of the Sleeping Marches
Death "Low Life"

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
We started off with a bunch of new music we've been listening to including Ataraxy, Wake, Horn, Bloodshot Dawn, Rivers of Nihil, & Agrimonia. Than we did a reaction to Parkway Drive's new single "The Void", talked about our new Patreon project, and jumped into a big album discussion on Immortal's frosty classic "At the Heart of Winter". We ended off with an interview with Peter Tagtgren of Hypocrisy and Abyss Studios. We talked about Sci-fi movies, conspiracy's, Hypocrisy, and a lot about his work at Abyss studios. We talked about some of the classic albums he worked on including Dark Funeral "The Secrets of the Black Arts", Immortal's "At the Heart of Winter", and Children of Bodom's "Follow the Reaper". We also talked about the new Immortal album he worked on due out this year and a lot more.
Listen here, at the below links, or your favorite podcast app:
Become a Patreon member at the link below:
Song clips played on this episode
Ataraxy "One Last Certainty"
Horn "Bocksfus"
Wake "Rot" Misery Rites
Bloodshot Dawn "Survival Evolved"
Agrimonia "The Sparrow"
Parkway Drive "The Void"
Immortal "At the Heart of Winter"
Bathory "Fire and Ice" from Hammerheart
Immortal "Solarfall"
Hypocrisy "Roswell 47"
Hypocrisy "Fire in the Sky"
Dark Funeral "My Dark Desires"
Talk to us at the below links:

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
We talked about the new music we've been listening to, reviewed the new Between the Buried and Me album "Autonama", and discussed Bolt Thrower's classic album "IV Crusade". We also have an interview with Tommy Roger's of Between the Between the Buried and Me, where we found out some info about their two part album as well as a great interview with Brodey Uttley of River's of Nihil. Be sure to check out their amazing new album "Where Owls Know my Name" on 3/16. Its a packed episode! Enjoy!
Listen here, on he iTunes Podcast app, Google Play or your favorite podcast player.
Talk to us at the links below!
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Instagram: Intothecombine
Music Played on This Episode
- Wormed "Pseudo-Horizon"
- Necrophobic "Mark of the Necrogram" & "Tsar Bomba"
- Genocide Pact "Spawn of Suffering"
- Hyperion "Seraphical Euphony"
- Between the Buried and Me "Condemmed to the Gallows" & "Millions"
- Bolt Thrower "IV Crusade" & "Embers"
- Rivers of Nihil "Home" & "The Silent Life"

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
63. Metal Trivia & 2018 Discussion
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
We started with a few albums we've checked lately and than dove in to some expected 2018 releases and finished the episode with another round of metal trivia including song clips and questions.
Listen here, on he iTunes Podcast app, Google Play or your favorite podcast player.
Talk to us at the links below!
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Instagram: Intothecombine
Music Played on this episode:
Architects "Gravedigger"
Kublai Kahn "The Hammer"
Father Befouled
Ataraxy "Matter Lost in Time"

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
62.Best of 2017 Pt.2 & Power Trip Interview
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
We're back with Part 2 of our top 15 metal albums of the year! We also have an interview with Riley of Power Trip where we talked about the new album, touring with death metal bands, what executioners tax is about, the topic of separating the art from the artist, speaking out online, and a lot more - its a good one. We are going to wait to publish our full lists until the episode has been out for a bit to keep it a surprise but feel free to message us and ask us for it if you need it. Check back to our Facebook for the lists after a week or so.
Listen here, on he iTunes Podcast app, Google Play or your favorite podcast player and talk to us at the links below:
Talk to us at the links below!
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Instagram: Intothecombine

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
61.Best of 2017 Pt.1 & Spirit Adrift Interview
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Here's part 1 of our top 15 metal albums of the year. We split it into two episodes to make it a little easier to digest. (Correction: when talking about Ross Dolan of Immolation we actually meant Robert Vigna). We also have an interview with Nate Garett of Spirit Adrift who released an album Called "Curse of Conception" this year that is hitting a lot of end of the year lists. We talked a lot about that album so be sure to check out the interview and listen check out the album if you haven't yet. Stay tuned for part 2 for the rest of our list as well as our listener list coming soon! We are going to wait to publish our full lists until the episode has been out for a bit to keep it a surprise but feel free to message us and ask us for it if you need it. Check back to our Facebook for the lists after a week or so.
Listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or your favorite podcast player and talk to us at the links below!
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Instagram: Intothecombine

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
60. Allegaeon/Gatecreeper Interviews, Metal Trivia, & Live Show Reviews
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
We talked about all the music we've been listening to lately, the shows we've been to including Cannibal Corpse with Gatecreeper & Power Trip, and Hatebreed with Dying Fetus, Code Orange, & Twitching Tongues and played a game of Metal Trivia. Round 1 included a section in which we had to guess a short clip of a riff and round 2 was a metal trivia section. We also have an interview with Chase from Gatecreeper and Riley/Greg from Allegaeon.
Time Stamps
00:00 - Intro and what we're listening to
00:27 - Gatecreeper Interview
00:42 - Concert Reviews
00:49 - Metal Trivia
01:24 - Allegaeon Interview
Music Played on Episode 60
1. Get the shot "Hellbringer"
2. Archspire "Relentless mutation
3. Morbid Angel "D.E.A.D."
4. The Faceless "Digging My Grave"
5. Gatecreeper "Craving Flesh"
6. Gatecreeper "Stronghold live
7. Allegaeon "All Hail Science"
8. Allegaeon "Proponents for Sentience III"
We also played clips for 9 different riffs but we will keep that as a suprise so you can play a long
Talk to us at the below links
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Instagram: Intothecombine

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
59. Enslaved/Cannibal Corpse Discussion & Dark Descent Records Interview
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Time Stamps:
00:00: Discussion and clips of what were listening to including Converge, Necrot, Gut Slit, Antropomorphia, Couch Slut, Trivium, & Venenum
41:45: Enslaved "E" Album Discussion
53:00: Cannibal Corpse "Red Before Black" Album Discussion
108:15: Interview with Matt Calvert of Dark Descent Records
Music Played on this episode:
Converge "I Can Tell You About Pain" & "Under Duress"
Necrot "Blood Offerings"
Gut Slit "Marachino Eye Balls"
Couch Slut "Snake in the Grass"
Antropomorphia "Murmor of the Dead"
Venenum "Cold Death"
Enslaved "Storm Son", "Sacred Horse", & Hindsiight
Cannibal Corpse "Code of the Slashers" & "Remaimed"
Listen here, on iTunes, and most podcast apps. Talk to us at the below links:

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
We finally traveled down under to the great Aussie gold minds of metal. We first spoke with Dave Haley the drummer of Psycroptic, Ruins, King, and many other projects and we ended the episode with an interview with Tim Charles the violinist and clean vocalist of Ne Obliviscaris. We spoke with both about growing up as an Australian metal head, influential bands from their country, challenges of touring and getting exposed to other countries, music recs, and info on their respective bands. Dave told us about the next Psycroptic album and Tim talked about their new album "urn" out 10/27. The middle of the episode features us talking about our favorite Australian metal bands and some new bands we discovered. Listen at the link below, on iTunes, or most podcast apps.
Music Featured on this episode:
Music featured on this episode:
Thy Art is Murder - "Slaves Beyond Death"
Psycroptic - "Cold"
Armoured Angel - "Enigmatize"
Hobbs Angel of Death - "Lucifers Domain"
Disembowlment - "The Tree of Life and Death"
King Parrot - "Bozo"
Destroyer 666- "Hounds at ya Back"
Ne Obliviscaris - "Devour Me, Colossus, Pt. II & "Intra Venus"
Be’lakor " Remnants"
The Amentia "Flesh is Heir"
The Berzerker "Heavily Medicated"
Valtari "Bitterness"
Ruins "Faust"
The Amentia "Flesh is Heir"
Alchemist "Tongues & Knives"

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
As always we discussed the bands we've been listening to lately (with a very suprising pick from Shadie) & than we discussed the latest album from The Black Dahlia Murder "Nightbringers". We also did a throwback review on Children of Bodom's "Follow the Reaper". The episode ends with an interview with Marc Hudson of Dragonforce.
Talk to us at the links below!
instagram: Intothecombine
Music featured on this episode:
- Bolt Thrower "Spearhead"
- August Burns Red "Quake"
- The Drip "Blackest Evocatoin"
- Glacial Tomb "Black Hole, White Teeth"
- Trivium "He who Spawned the Furies" & "The Sin & the Sentence"
- Cut Up "Wherever They May Rot"
- Batushka "Litourgiya 3"
- Horrified "Allure of the Fallen"
- The Black Dahlia Murder "Matriarch" & "Nightbringers"
- Children of Bodom "Hate Me", "Follow the Reaper", & "Bodom After Midnight"
- Dragonforce "Holding On" & "The Edge of the World"

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
We are back with new music recommendations ranging from death metal, to black metal, catchy radio friendly metal and everything in between. Our main feature for this episode is a spotlight on the scene veteran Tomas Lindberg. We go over his discography including Grotesque, At the Gates, Skitsystem, The Great Deceiver, The Crown, Nightrage, Disfear, and his new project The Lurking Fear. We end the episode with an interview with the man himself to talk about his new project, his discography, challenges, future projects, as well as talk about At the Gates past and future. Interview starts around the 1.25 mark.
Talk to us at the links below:
Music featured on this episode
- Code Orange "The New Reality"
- Trapped Under Ice "No Relief"
- Ajattara "Hurmasta"
- Spirit Adrift "Curse of Conception"
- Azarath "At the Gates of Understanding"
- Archspire "Remote Tumor Selection"
- Decapitated "Kill the Cult"
- At The Gates "Slaughter of the Soul"
- Grotesque "Thirteen Bells of Doom & Blood Runs From the Alter"
- At the Gates "Windows"
- Skitsystem "Profithysteri"
- The Great Deciever "Pierced"
- Lock Up "The Embodiment of Paradox and Chos"
- Disfear "Get it off"
- The Crown "Drugged Unholy"
- Nightrage "Glow of the Setting Sun"
- The Lurking Fear "The Infernal Dread"
- At the Gates "Death and the Labyrinth

Thursday Jul 27, 2017
55. Top Drinking Songs & Decrepit Birth Interview
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Ok guys so we had some technical difficulties on this episode with Jason's mic going out and reverting to his computer mic without knowing. Instead of getting rid of the ep we decided to edit it the best we could and this is the result! Hopefully its not too bad and dont worry we will be back to normal quality next time. Anyway's we talked about a bunch of new music to check out, reviewed the Lamb of God and Behemoth show, and talked about our favorite songs to listen to while drinking, partying, having a good time.. whatever. Enjoy on a Friday or Saturday with a cold drink in your hand if possible. Listen here, on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast players.
Talk to us at the links below:
Music featured on this episode
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Lamb of god "Laid to rest"
Khemmis "Above the water"
Municipal waste "Slime and punishment"
Wormwitch "Relentless Death"
Chtonic "Southern Cross"
River Black "Low"
Uada "Natus Eclipsim"
See below for our drinking songs after you listen!
Drinking Songs
Confession "One Blood"
Kvelrtek "Bloodtorst"
Kiss "I love it Loud"
War of Ages "The same damn song Stan always plays lol"
Municipal Waste "The art of Partying"
Ensiferum "One Magic Potion"
The Showdown "Aphrodite- The Disillusionaire"
Wilson "College Gang Bang"
Pantera "Domination:
Comeback Kid "False Idols Fall"
Down "Lifer"
Municipal Waste "Bourban Dicipline"
Every Time I Die "The New Black"
Children of Bodom "Shovel Knockout"
Dio "The Last in Line"
Amon Amarth "Raise Your Horns
Red Fang "Prehistoric Dog"

Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
54. Doug Brown the Director of Grindcore Documentary "Slave to the Grind"
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Episode 54 is a bonus episode with Doug Brown who is directing the upcoming grindcore documentary "Slave to the Grind". We talked about his background with grindcore, the process of creating a documentary, the challenges and highlights, and he also provided 4 albums to check out for people who are newer to grindcore. Stay tuned for a regular episode coming hopefully in the next week. Listen here, on iTunes, and most podcast apps/sites.
Go follow the documentary and lots of grindcore discussion over at https://www.facebook.com/Slavetothegrindfilm/
Follow us below:
Instagram: Intothecombine
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Music featured on this episode:
- Brutal Truth "Dementia"
- Soilent Green "Sewn Mouth Secrets"
- Fuck the Facts "Everywhere Yet Nowhere"
- Napalm Death "Its a Mans World"

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
53.Top Metal Cover Songs & Origin Interview
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
We've got new music recommendations, a guest live review of Devin Townsend, Gojira, & Opeth, from Jake of Polykill Podcast, and our main feature is our favorite metal cover songs (starts at 28 mins in). It turned into a battle against the hosts to guess the song, band covering, and band being covered. Play along and let us know how many points you come up with! We ended the episode with an interview with the very entertaining Jason Keyser of Origin (starts at 1:16). Listen on iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, & most other podcast apps and talk to us at the below links:
Instagram: Intothecombine
Email: Thecombine@gmail.com
Check out this episode of Polykill Podcast if you enjoyed Jake & want to hear his metal background: https://polykill.libsyn.com/off-killter-1-a-little-bit-of-sports-and-a-lot-of-music
Music Played on This Episode:
1. Broken Hope "The Carion Eaters"
2. Goatwhore "Decayed Omen Reborn"
3. Amentia "Paranoia"
4. Entrails "Dead and Buried"
5. Gojira "Silvera" Live
6. Devin Townsend Project "Deadhead" Live
7. Gojira "Stranded" Live
8. Opeth "Sorceres" Live
10. A shit ton of metal covers. Listen through and play the game to find out which ones!

Saturday Jun 17, 2017
52. Dying Fetus Interview & Roadrunner United Comp Discussion
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
We kept things short and sweet for episode 52 with an album discussion on the Roadrunner United Allstars Compilation from 2005 (featuring collaborations from 57 artists from 45 past and present Roadrunner bands such as Killswitch Engage, Deicide, Trivium, Fear Factory, Suffocation, Slipknot, and many more) and an interview with Trey Williams, the drummer of Dying Fetus. We discussed their new album "Wrong One to Fuck With" and more. We also talked about some new music weve been listening to.
Listen to us here, on iTunes, Stitcher, and most podcast apps.
Talk to us at the below links
Music Featured on this episode:
1. Sepultura "Born Stubborn"
2. Sarcasm "From the Crimson Fog They Emerged"
3. Edge of Sanity "Incantation 1"
4. Dragonforce "Judgement Day"
5. Onryo "Oni"
6. Dying Fetus "Die With Integrity" and "Fixated on Devestation"
Remainder is music from the Roadrunner United Compliation
All music is used for promotional purposes only! If you like what you hear go pick up some music!

Saturday May 20, 2017
51. Taylor Young (Nails & Twitching Tongues) & Our Top 5 Guest Appearances
Saturday May 20, 2017
Saturday May 20, 2017
Well this episode went a little long but we were having so much fun we couldn't help it. Lots of beers were drank - especially Stan and lots of music clips were played. We have an interview with Nails drummer Taylor Young who also plays guitar in Twitching Tongues, plays in many other bands, and is also an accomplished producer. We started off with what we've been listening to including Artificial Brain, Ghost Iris, Extremity, Mantar, talked about two listener recommendation/requests including Slice the Cake's "Odyssey to the West" & While She Sleeps "You are We" & than answered a listener question of what we think about live albums and our favorite ones. We also listed each of our top 5 guest appearences and had a contest on who could name the song/guest appearence first. Stay tuned for the winner and play along! Listen here, iTunes, & most podcast apps.
Talk to us below:
Music Featured on This Episode:
1. Incendiary "Still burning"
2. Ghost Iris "Save Yourself"
3. Artificial Brain "Static Shattering"
4. Extremity "Creepuscular Crescendo"
5. Mantar "The Spell"
6. Slice the Cake "Westward Bound Part 1 - The Lantern"
7. While She Sleeps "You are We"
**Spoiler Alert - List of songs played during our "Top Guest Parts" below. Listen to it first and play along with the game!
Lamb of God "Embers"
Allegaeon "Proponent for Sentience III"
Suicide Silence "Smashed"
Full of Hell "Crawling Back to God"
Gojira "Adoration for Nothing"
Six Feet Under "One Bullet Left"
Job for a Cowboy "Son of Nihility"
Dillinger Escape Plan "Horse Hunter"
War of Ages "Eternal"
Stick to Your Guns "Nothing You Can Do To Me"
Darkest Hour "Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation"
The Ghost Inside "Face Value"
Car Bomb "Sets"
Suffocation "Mass Obliteration"
Interview Music:
Nails "Friend to All"
Twitching Tongues "Disharmony"