
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
We got pretty technical on this episode and discussed Necrophagist's classic tech death masterpiece "Epitaph", listed our 5 favorite tech death albums, and interviewed Malcom Pugh of Inferi, A Loathing Requiem, & Virulent Depravity. He got into the idea behind Inferi, his musical background, his favorite tech death bands, and also his opinion on the Necrophagist album. We also talked about the Virulent Depravity album did a listener request and talked about Knocked Loose's last album "Laugh Tracks", and talked about what we have been listening to.
Talk to us at the below links:
Instagram: Intothecombine
Music featured on this episode:
1. Katalepsy "Blinded Sultan"
2. Fractal Universe "Venomous Coils of a Holy Fallacy"
3. World Under Blood "Under the Autumn Low"
4. Boreworm "Synapse"
5. Evocation "Modus Operandi"
6. Misery Signals "Reborn (An Execution"
7. Terminal Nation "Numb to the Pain"
8. Shadow of Intent "The Return"
9.Knocked Loose "Oblivions Peak" & "Counting Worms"
10. Virulent Depravity "Desecrating Eden"
11. Necrophagist "Stabwound", "Stillbourne", & "Only Ash Remains"
12. Inferi "Those Who From the Heaven Came"

Sunday Apr 09, 2017
49. Full of Hell Interview + Mastodon, Obituary, & 6 Ft. Under Reviews
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
We have a great in depth interview with Dylan Walker, the vocalist of Full of Hell to talk about their new album, touring with death metal legends, progression as a band, history, and a lot more. We also had a look at the new albums from two old school groove focused bands Obituary & Six Feet Under and discussed the new Mastodon album "Empire of Sand" (with guest August Furhman), as well as our normal section of what we have been listening to. Listen here, iTunes Podcast app, and Stitcher and talk to us below:
Instagram: Intothecombine
As for what we’ve been listening to check out the song list below!
Songs Played on this episode:
– Cyborg Octopus "Baptism of Clay"
- Nightrage "In Abhorence"
- God Dethroned "The Wrong Side of the Line"
- Body Count "This is Why we Ride"
- Nightbringer "Serpent Sun"
- Mastodon "Sultans Curse"
- Obituary "Straight to Hell" & "End This Now"
- Six Feet Under "Exploratory Homocide" & "The Separation of Skin From Bone"
- Full of Hell "Crawling Back to God"
All songs used for promotional purposes only. If you like what you hear go support the bands!

Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Episode 48 is a special bonus episode featuring 2 interviews and some talk about Born of Osiris's new re-release "The Eternal Reign". We still have a normal episode with new recomendations, interviews, and album reviews coming soon but for now here is an episode featuring an interview with Jason Richardson (ex Born of Osiris, All Shall Perish, & Chelsea Grin) discussing those bands, his recent solo album, his thoughts on Born of Osiris's "The Discovery", and more. We also spoke with Within the Ruins guitarist and main song writer Joe Cocchi about their new album, songwriting, and playing live with 1 guitarist. Listen here, on Stitcher, Tunein, or the iTunes Podcast app and talk to us at the below links:
Music featured on this ep:
Xibalba "Diablo"
Within the Ruins: "Ivory Tower" & "Shape Shifter"
Jason Richardson "Hos Down"

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
47. Darkest Hour Interview/Review & Lamb of God "Sacrament"
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
We talked to Mike Shleibaum, the guitarist of Darkest Hour about their new album and direction, thoughts on Anders leaving At the Gates (and Metalsucks nomination for Mike to replace him), his favorite riffs, and some good ol' Swedish Death Metal. We also reviewed their latest album "Godless Prophets & The Migrant Flora" & stepped back to 2006 to discuss Lamb of God's album "Sacrament". As for what we've been listening to check out the song list below! Listen here, on Itunes, Stitcher, & most podcast apps and join the discussion at the below links:
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Songs Played on this episode:
- Cognitive "Haunted Justice"
- Body Count "No Lives Matter"
- Replacire "Spider Song"
- Full of Hell "Deluminate"
- Sentience "The Pineal Gland"
- Ex Deo "The Rise of Hannibal"
- Darkest Hour "Knife in the Safe Room", "Timeless Numbers" & "Doomsayer"
- Lamb of God "Walk With Me in Hell" & Reqiuem"
All music featured on this episode is for promotional purposes only. We do not own the rights to any of this material. If you like what you hear go pick it up!

Monday Mar 06, 2017
46. Fit For an Autopsy Interview/Album Review & New Music
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
We talked about new music from Immolation, Aeternam, Sunlights Bane, The Ominous Circle, and reviewed the After the Burial/Fit for an Autopsy show as well as the Metal Blade 35th anniversery tour featuring Allegaeon, Goatwhore, Cattle Decapitation, & Whitechapel. We also reviewed the new Fit For an Autopsy Album "The Great Collapse" out on March 17th and interiewed the guitarist Patrick Sheridan. We apologize for the noise during the interview but the 2nd half gets a bit quieter. Listen here, on Stitcher, or on the iTunes podcast app and talk to us at the below links:
Email: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Music Featured on the episode:
- Spawn of Posession "Bodiless Sleeper"
- Aeternam "Demascus Gate"
- Sunlights Bane "Praise the Venom Shield"
- Immolation "Destructive Currents"
- The Ominous Circle "Poison Fumes"
- Fit For an Autopsy "Heads Will Hang" & Iron Moon

Thursday Feb 16, 2017
45.The Most Beautiful Songs in Metal
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Thursday Feb 16, 2017
For episode 45 we each came up with 5 of our favorite beautiful songs/moments in metal and provided 6 new music recomendaitons to check out! This episode was a lot of fun recording yet hard to narrow down to only 5. Also, theres plenty of less beautiful moments in the new recommendation section if your worried we are softening up! Send us your thoughts and any of your own picks on our social media sites below and at www.Intothecombine.com
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Song List (In order Played)
1. Shadow of Intent "The Invoking of the Execution of Worlds"
2. First Blood "Rules Meant to be Broken"
3. Beaten to Death "Dont You Dare to Call Us Heavy Metal"
3. Hour of Penance "Horn of Flies"
4. Filth "Aparation" feat Trevor Strnad
5. Mors Principium Est "Livin La Vida Loca"
6. Iron Reagan "Fuck the Neighbors"
7. Metallica "Fade to Black"
8. In Flames "December Flower"
9. Between the Buried and Me "Selkies: The Endless Obsession"
10.August Burns Red "Meddler"
11.Killswitch Engage "My Last Serenade"
12.Omnium Gatherum "The Unkowing"
13.Between the Buried & Me "Mordecai
14.Be'Lakor "In Parting"
15.Opeth "Ghost of Perdition"
16.Parkway Drive "Delive Me"
17.Scar Symmetry "The Spiral Timeshift"
18.Insomnium "While We Sleep"
19.Ensiferum "Victory Song"
20.Inferi "Fiendish
21.Ne Obliviscaris "Painters of the Tempest, Pt. II (Triptych Lux)

Monday Jan 30, 2017
44. Edge of Sanity Crimson Discussion with Dan Swano
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
As usual we talk and play music from some new releases and albums weve been into lately, get a reaction on the new Suicide Silence single, and than go in deep on a throwback review and discussion on Edge of Sanity's classic prog/deathmetal masterpiece "Crimson". We were even joined by Dan Swano - the mastermind behind Edge of Sanity to discuss the album further as well as his new album from his Witherscape project. If you havent listened to this album yet do yourself a favor and check it out. Fans of Opeth will not be dissapointed. List of music featured on the show listed below
Let us know your thoughts, metal recomendations, and anything else at the links below!
instagram: Intothecombine
Code Orange "Real"
Scar Symmetry "Limits to Infinity"
The Drip "Painted Ram"
Suicide Silence: "Doris"
Mors Principium Est "Reclaim the Sun"
Sumerlands "The Guardian"
Edge of Sanity "Crimson" (Various pieces of the one track album"
Witherscape: "Wake of Infinity" & "Marionette"

Thursday Jan 12, 2017
43. Top Albums of 2016 Part 2
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
We continue our count down of our top 15 albums metal and hardcore albums of 2016! Still a good mix of bigger and smaller bands with a few odd suprises as well.
A full album list will be posted on our facebook page in the near future but for now its still a suprise!
Find the episode on most podcast hosting websites/apps as well as the iTunes podcast app and get in touch with us at the below links!
gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com

Monday Jan 09, 2017
42. Top Albums of 2016 Part 1
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
We count down and discuss each of our top 15 albums metal and hardcore albums of 2016! We cover quite a few metal subgenres with our lists with some big names and lesser known bands. The episode ends on our pick for album 7 and will pick back up in part 2 coming soon. A full album list will be posted on our facebook page in the near future but for now its a suprise! Find the episode on most podcast hosting websites/apps as well as the iTunes podcast app and get in touch with us at the below links!
gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
41. Doom, Sludge, Dark Tranquility, & Spirit Adrift/Gatecreeper Interview
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
We did things a bit different for episdoe 41 with a lot of talk on black metal, doom, and sludge! We talked like normal about a few bands weve been listening to, reviewed the new Dark tranqulity album "Atoma" and had on a friend and listener August Fuhrman to try and persuade Stan and Shadie to dive more into Doom and Sludge metal with a few newer bands. Lastly, we interviewed Nate Garett of Spirit Adrift and Gatecreeper. We talked about the latest Spirit Adrift album and his 5 pics for doom metal songs you should hear. So if you have been bummed that we havent covered much in the way of doom and sludge or are interested in diving in than this episode is for you! If you like August's pics go follow him on Twitter @augustfuhrman for some solid metal talk and posts! Its a long episode so heres the breakdown:
Intro/what weve been listening to
22 mins: Doom/Sludge suggestions by listener August Fuhrman
53 mins: Dark Tranqulity album Review
1.03: Interview with Nate Garett of Spirit Adrift/Gatecreeper & his doom/sludge metal pics
You can also find us on the iTunes podcast app, Stitcher, as well as select episodes on Soundcloud
Talk to us at the below links:
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Music featured on this episode in order of appearence:
Gorgorth "Under the Pagan Megalith"
Christ Agony "Seal ov the Black Flame"
Dark Tranquility "Indifferent Sons"
Waitain "Malfeitor"
Electric Wizard "Funeralopolis"
Graves at Sea "The Waco 177"
Inter Arma "Transfiguration"
Kylesa "Shaping the Southern Sky"
The Foreshadowing "Fall of Heroes"
Dark Tranquility "Caves and Embers"
Spirit Adrift "Psyhic Tide"
Rwake: "Leviticus"
Burning Witch "Sacred Predictions"
Saint Vitus "Dark World"
Trouble "Dark World"
Black Sabbath "The Writ"

Monday Nov 14, 2016
40. The Black Dahlia Murder Spotlight
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
We start things off with new music recommendations/what weve been listening to and than dive into The Black Dahlia Murder's full discography to rank, discuss, and geek out over their 7 albums! Let us know your thoughts on the discussion, your rankings, or your favorite album of theirs at the below links. You can also find us on the iTunes podcast app, Stitcher, as well as select episodes on Soundcloud.
Gmail: Thecombine586@gmail.com
Music featured on this episode:
Vader - "Iron Reign"
Car Bomb - "The Oppresor"
Insomnium - "At the Gates of Sleep"
Anaal Nathrahk "We Will Fucking Kill You"
A ton of Black Dahlia Murder
All music used for promotional purposes only! Plese go support the bands if your into what you hear!

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
39. Meshuggah, Serpentine Dominon,& Halloween Special
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
For episode 39 we reviewed the new albums from Meshuggah & Serpentine Dominion (Adam D, Corpsegrinder, Shannon Lukas sideproject), and each ranked our top 5 songs to celebrate the most metal holiday of all - Halloween!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
38. Death, Allegaeon, Richard Christy
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Episode 39 featured us talking about everything we have been listening to including some Swedish death metal, progressive black metal, metalcore, and hardcore - you never know what your going to get! Than we reviewed the latest from Allegaeon, had a discussion on the classic album "The Sound of Perseverance" by Death and even had the drummer of that album Richard Christy join us at the end to go deeper into the details. Richard just released a new album from his main project "Charred Walls of the Damned which we also talk about and he is also a contributor on the Howard Stern show.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
37.Carnifex Slow Death & Soilwork Retro Review/Interview
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
We reviewed the new album from Carnifex "Slow Death" & did a Retro Review on Soilwork classic album "A Predators Portrait". Born Speedstrid, the vocalist of Soilwork, joined us at the end of the episode to give his input on the album and give some behind the scenes info. We also had Cannibal Corpse Corpsegrinder/Barnes battle, talked about new music from Metallica, The Depression Sessions EP (Thy Art is Murder, Fit For an Autopsy, & Acacia Strain Split) & music recommendations, and some news Find us here, iTunes Podcast app, or Stitcher Talk to us at the below links: www.Facebook.com/Intothecombine www.twitter.com/intothecombine www.instagram.com/intothecombine Email:thecombine586@gmail.com

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
36. Ricky Singh of Backtrack & Flatspot Records Interview
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
We had the chance to talk with Ricky Singh, the guitarist of New York hardcore band Backtrack co-owner of hardcore label Flatspot Records. We talked about what the band has been up to since releasing "Lost in Life", recording & writing their new album, the idea and acceptance of progression in hardcore, and he also highlighted new releases from his label and others that we should be checking out. He is a very cool and down to earth guy who is very passionate about the hardcore scene and I highly recommend following everything he is involved with. We also included the metal news section from out last episode that had to be cut out due to going over on time. Interview portion starts around the 15 minute mark.

Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
35.Favorite Groove Parts & Despised Icon Review
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
For ep. 35 we discussed what we've been listening to, reviewed the new album "Beast" from Despised Icon, and spent most of the episode playing and discussing our favorite parts in metal that groove hard. We didn't just stay within the "groove metal" sub genre and instead went through a lot our favorite parts in songs that get your head/body moving and had some groove to it. The episode was initially about 2.5 hours long so we had to edit it down and took out our normal metal news section. If you want to hear the stuff we got rid of stay tuned because we will be posting an interview episode with the New York Hardcore band Backtrack very soon and will have our metal news section there. Send us your favorite grooves, opinions on the album review, and any other thoughts at the links below. You can also listen to us on the iTunes podcast app, Stitcher, or most other podcast apps.

Thursday Jul 21, 2016
34.Gojira, Whitechapel, Nails Reviews, & Revocation Interview
Thursday Jul 21, 2016
Thursday Jul 21, 2016
We are back from short time off! Its our first attempt at using Skype for Shadie now that he officially lives in Georgia so the quality should improve for the next! We reviewed the new album from Gojira and discussed new albums from Nails, Whitechapel, Be'lakor, talked about some new singles and what else we have been jamming. The episode ends with an interview with Dave Davidson the guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter of Revocation. Get their new album out from Metalblade on 7/22 - you will not regret it.
Find us on iTunes & subscribe and leave a gnarly review! Check us on out at the below links as well:

Friday Jun 24, 2016
33.George Kollias of Nile
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
We had the opportunity to talk with George Kollias, the drummer of Nile and one of the best drummers in extreme metal. He was recently awarded the "Best Extreme Drummer of 2016" award from Drummies Artists Awards and Drum! Magazine, he has played with many bands as a studio drummer, teaches drums, performs many drumming clinics and even wrote his own solo death metal album in which he wrote and played all the instruments including vocals titled "Invictus". He has two drum tutorial DVDs out called "Intense Metal Drumming" & "Intense Metal Drumming 2" a book called "The Odyssey of Double Bass Drumming" that you can check out at his website in the link below. We talked about a lot different things including his opinion on the use of triggers, what it means to sell out, Youtube commentators, his work in Nile and his solo album, the incident in Russia with Belphagor, and some of his techniques.

Monday Jun 13, 2016
32. Architects/Hatebreed Reviews & Protest the Hero Interview
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Ep. 32 features a review of the new Hatebreed album "The Concrete Confessional" & the new Architects album "All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us" as well as an interview with Tim millar of Protest the Hero. We also got into some metal news, Summer Slaughter Tour, and news about the podcast. This episode also features a new unsigned band recommendation from the band Artillery Breath with the song "Crooked Nub". Find more from them here: https://artillerybreath.bandcamp.com/

Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016
To make up for the wait in between episode we have an almost 2 hour show! As always we talked about some new music recommendations/reviews, had a listener guest concert review, and named our top 10 metal Riffs! Tons of clips to be heard. We were also joined by Phil Sgrosso the guitarist of Wovenwar and ex. As I Lay Dying to talk about his new band Poison Headache. He also named a bunch of his favorite metal riffs and talked about the new (heavier?) direction for the upcoming Wovenwar album at the end so be sure to check that out!

Thursday May 05, 2016
30. Top 5 Drummers & Aborted Interview
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016

Friday Apr 29, 2016
29. Parkway Drive Spotlight & Metalcore that Doesn't Suck
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Our 3rd band spotlight has arrived in the form of a discussion and ranking of Parkway Drive's discography. We also started out the episode by answering a listener question regarding what our picks are for for some legit Metalcore and we threw down quite a few recommendations. Check it out here, on Stitcher, or iTunes and dont forget about those iTunes reviews if you enjoy! Be sure to throw us some comments on our links below:

Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
28. Veil of Maya Interview with Vocalist Lukas Magyar
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
Wednesday Apr 27, 2016
We had Lukas Magyar on as our special guest for this episode to discuss everything from the experience of joining Veil of Maya and the aspects that go along with that, the album "Matriarch", the use of clean vocals, and a lot more. Episode is also available on the iTunes podcast app. Hit us up on the below links to discuss!

Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
27. Nick from Job For a Cowboy Interview & Bassist spotlight
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
For episode 27 we switched things up with half of it being a spotlight on the often looked down upon bassists in metal and who are favorites are. For the 2nd half we brought on Nick Schendzielos, the bassist of Job For a Cowboy, Cephalic Carnage, & Havok to join in on the bass conversation. We talked about all 3 bands, whats going on with Job For a Cowboy, recording Sun Eater, his favorite bassist's, why the hell JFAC is still lumped into the death core category by some, and a lot more!

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
We reviewed the new highly anticipated new album from Amon Amarth "Jomsviking", discussed Unearth's classic album "The Oncoming Storm" and even had Trevor Phipps - the vocalist of Unearth on as our guest to join in on the discussion. He talked a lot about the album as well as his opinion of metalcore, what "true metalcore" is, the changes its gone through, the early days of the Massachusetts metalcore scene, why they never added clean chorus's to their sound, and some details on what they have written so far for their next album. We also started the episode off with new music recommendations and answered a listener question about our guilty pleasures.

Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
As always we talked about some metal news, gave a few music recommendations, and than reviewed the new Killswitch Engage Album "Incarnate". We also did a retro album discussion on Opeth's Blackwater Park and interviewed Fredrik Nordstrom, the producer behind the Gothenburg melodic death metal scene and a lot more. He has worked on groundbreaking albums from In Flames, Dark Tranquility, At the Gates, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgur, The Haunted, Opeth, etc, as well as previous and upcoming album from Architects. He talked about what it was like working on some of those albums and a lot more in our interview.

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
24.After the Burial, Fleshgod Reviews & Obituary Interview
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
We reviewed the new After the Burial album “Dig Deep” as well as the new Fleshgod Apocalypse album “King”. We also talked about new music recommendations, debated a March Metal Madness bracket, reviewed a Cannibal Corpse/Obituary show and ended the show with an interview with Donald Tardy of the legendary death metal band Obituary. Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook and Twitter pages & please throw us a review on iTunes!

Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
23. Songs to ride forth into battle with, new recommendations, & Exmortus Review
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
We talked about alllllot of music we have been jamming lately, reviewed the new Exmortus album "Ride Forth" & figured out which songs we would have blasting while riding forth into battle... songs to pump us up to do some beheading, spearing, welding an ax, and some violent sword play. Songs to battle hordes of Orcs, to influence a Viking battle, or imagine yourself as Mel Gibson in the Patriot... your choice.
Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Also, please throw us a review on iTunes!

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
22. Hardcore Spotlight Part 2
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
We finished our huge discussion on a lot of our favorite hardcore albums along with our guest host Ross. For part two we touched on albums from Hatebreed, Backtrack, Malfunction, Carpathian, Comeback Kid, & a lot more. We will be back to our regular programming with album reviews, news, and random discussion for our next episode!
Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Also, please throw us a review on iTunes!

Sunday Feb 07, 2016
21. Expire Interview & Hardcore Spotlight Part 1
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
We combined a big discussion on some of our favorite hardcore albums with an interview with Zach Dear, the guitarist and backing vocalist of Expire. We talked about whats going on with the new album, their recent release of "Old Songs", what he thinks about people who write off bands when they "sell out" by taking mainstream tours or becoming too popular, and his opinions on the Phil Anselmo drama. We also had a good friend join us as a guest host who shares in our passion for hardcore. We hit on albums from Terror, Down to Nothing, Code Orange, and more. Stay tuned for Part 2 discussing a lot more albums.
Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Also, please throw us a review on iTunes!

Thursday Jan 28, 2016
20. Interview with Chad Nicefield of Wilson
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
We are supplying you with a grade A interview with Chad Nicefield of the band Wilson. Wilson makes the kind of blue collar metal you want to play on a Friday at 5:00 after you have punched out and you are speeding home about 10MPH faster than you should. If you don't know about these guys now is a great time to check them out. We talked to Chad about what's going on in the studio, their go-to party music, their evolution in sound and as a band, what it was like touring with Bam Margera, the Motorhead cruise and a lot more. Check it!

Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
19. At the Gates, In Flames, & Dark Tranquility Classic Album Battle
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
We ranked and discussed the big 3 albums of the "Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal" scene - Slaughter of the Soul, The Gallery, & The Jester Race. We tried to give a little bit of history on this sub-genre and these bands, we discussed each of the albums and picked favorites, and than talked a little bit about the rest of each band's discographies. Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Also, please throw us a review on iTunes!

Friday Jan 15, 2016
18. Fallujah Interview with Alex Hoffman
Friday Jan 15, 2016
Friday Jan 15, 2016
We interviewed Alex Hoffman, the vocalist for the atmospheric & technical death metal band Fallujah about their recent tour, what to expect for their follow up to 2014's "The Flesh Prevails", their writing/recording process, and a lot more

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
17. Best Albums of 2015 Part 2
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Part 2 of our discussion on the top 10 albums of 2015! We finished our discussion on each of our individual lists (30 albums between the two episodes) and played a lot of song clips to provide a little taste of some excellent songs. Listen to part 1 for our first half